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Skog Reboot PCB Guide
Percent Studio x Basic I/O Instruments


Welcome to the Skog Reboot, this is an 87% customize keyboard designed by Percent Studio and powered by Basic I/O Instruments.



A Complete Skog Reboot PCB set contains 1 Mainboard, 1 Encoder daughterboard, 1 BLE module daughterboard, and 1 Battery Module board. the BLE module and the Battery module duaghterboards are optional, in case you’re not going to use the BLE feature of this board.


Additionally, there are some basic control keys for RGB backlights and the RGB strip:

  Toggle Mode+ Mode- Hue
RGB Backlights F13 F14 F15 F16
RGB Strip F17 F18 F19 F20

BLE Module Daugtherboard

Optional module to enable BLE feature for this board, connect to the mainboard via the BLE Module Connector.

Encoder Daughterboard

Loaded with an EC11 rotary encoder, connect to the mainboard via a 5 pin SH cable. The function of the rotary encoder can be programmed in the VIA.

Battery Module Daughterboard

There 2 types of battery modules specifically designed for BL-5C 3.7v Li-ion battery, these batteries were designed for Nokia phones and still easy to get nowadays. For a BL-5C, the typical capacity is 1150maAh, which means approximately 500 hours of standby battery life(All RGB lights OFF). This module is connect to the mainboard via a 2 pin SH cable.


You can get a pre-built firmware from: The source code of the firmware will upload to QMK as soon as some precondition PR is merged. Pre-built firmware will provide better power-saving performance.


USB Mode

The board will preferentially run in USB mode when it is connected to a USB host device via USB cable.

Bluetooth Mode

Once the board is powered, either by USB or battery, it will start broadcasting a device named “SKOG REBOOT BLE”. To pair the board to your device, you just need to search for “SKOG REBOOT BLE” then pair it in the Bluetooth settings of your device. To unpair the board, just remove it from the paired devices(New unpair method is under development).

Mode Switching

You can toggle the keyboard bwteen USB mode and Bluetooth mode by using command key: LShift+RShift+B

Bootloader(DFU) Mode

Once you want to upgrade the firmware or reset the EEPROM of the board, you will need to bring the board into bootloader or DFU mode first, and you will do it like this:

When the board is in DFU mode, you can see the yellow text “Device Connected” on the QMK Toolbox Console.

Since this is a duo-mode board, the board might keep powered by the battery even the USB cable is pulled out. This will cause the board stay in DFU mode and it’s unable to use as a keyboard until you exit. If you want to exit the DFU mode, you may follow these steps:

  1. Turn the Power Switch “OFF”.
  2. Pull out the USB cable.
  3. Turn “ON” the Power Switch or plug the USB cable back in.

Then the board will exit DFU mode when the power is completely cut off and back to normal when it’s powered again.

Lock Mode

In this mode, the board will ignore any key pressing, like it has been locked. This mode is very useful in some cases, like when you’re trying to clean the keyboard and you don’t want the keypress to mess up your works.
To enable Lock Mode, you just need to press LShift+RShift+L at the same time, do it again the board will quit Lock Mode.


The VIA is a GUI keystroke configurator for QMK keyboards, Please refer to for detail usage.

BLE Module Factory Reset

Before performing BLE module reset, you will unpair the keyboard from your Bluetooth host, then keep in the Bluetooth devices searching interface, then press LShift+RShift+R, the device “PERCENT SKOG REBOOT BLE” will disappear for a few seconds then appear agian, check if the name of the device is exactly “PERCENT SKOG REBOOT BLE”. If not, press the keys agian until the module is reset with a right name.


The Skog Reboot comes with a rotary encoder, which can bring interesting usage for you. There are 3 operations for this encoder: Clockwise Rotation, Counter-Clockwise Rotation, and Press. All these operations are programmable in the VIA. To the right of the VIA keymap of Skog Reboot, there are 3 keys, One in normal size and two in a smaller size. The normal one stands for the Press of the encoder, the upper smaller key stands for the Clockwise Rotation and the lower one stands for Counter-Clockwise Rotation. You can programm all these 3 operations with any keycodes, it’s time to use your imagination now. Here are some examples might that inspire you:

Cursor Locator: Program the clockwise and counter-clockwise to Left and Right in layer 0, to Up and Down in layer 1, then program the Press to MO(1) which can momentarily turn layer 1 on. Then you got a cursor locator that can fast locate the cursor by rotating, move the cursor to left or right by rotating clockwise or counter-clockwise, move the cursor up or down by keep pressing while rotating. This could be very useful when you’re coding or using spreadsheets.

All Command Keys:

Command Function
LShift+RShift+G Turn all RGB on
LShift+RShift+H Turn all RGB off
LShift+RShift+V Update the battery level in Windows 10’s Bluetooth devices interface, this is not an accurate value
LSfhit+RShift+R Performing a BLE mode factory reset
LShift+RShift+L Turn the keyboard into lock mode

Change Logs

Date: 2021-08-2